Sunday, November 23, 2014


     As you can see the picture above. This is my last post for this blog. To make my blog look better, I also changed the design completely!! I hope you guys all like it.(I personally love the new design.)

     I am currently working on my last project of English class. I plan to write about its process for this post. As you guys all know my topic is about GMOs and I want to persuade people to stop consuming GMOs for all of us. When I was writing about this, I had a really big trouble about avoiding full of summary in my writing. I am still facing that problem because I still think there must be a lot of information to persuade readers. I know what my English course professor expects. However it is really hard to put my own opinion in the writing. Apart from it, everything is going great.

     I always want to be healthy. This is how I have been able to successfully accomplish despite big struggles I faced. I really want to be healthy and live long. Thus I have so much interest in foods because food is directly related to our health. When I first heard that I was able to choose the topic by myself, I didn't even hesitate one second to choose GMOs. If I were in Korea, I wouldn't care much about this issue since Korean government has banned the production of GMOs. However I am in the U.S at the moment and I have been consuming a lot of GM foods. Since it was directly related to my health, I was inspired to research and write my essay. It was really exciting and I am quite proud of myself for getting so much knowledge about GMOs. I still have to improve my essay in many parts but I will try really hard till the due date and I will get the best outcome!! 

     Lastly, this was my last post for this English class. When I heard about this blog assignment in the beginning of semester I thought that I would miss all the comments on other's post  and posts on my blog since I am quite lazy. I am really proud that I haven't missed any of it. It was really fun to make my very first own blog. I was always the reader. But as I made this blog I became a writer which excited me a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed my blog! Thank you!  


  1. I like that you inform the reader that in Korea GMO’s have been banned. I think that this gives you a unique perspective on the issue. I understand your struggle in summarizing too much in your paper. I faced a similar problem in the past but have been able to change the way I write to limit my dependence on summary. I suggest that you try to focus in the main idea of whatever it is you are summarizing rather than using everything in the original text. Then you can put more of an emphasis on your own thoughts and arguments.
