Sunday, November 23, 2014


     As you can see the picture above. This is my last post for this blog. To make my blog look better, I also changed the design completely!! I hope you guys all like it.(I personally love the new design.)

     I am currently working on my last project of English class. I plan to write about its process for this post. As you guys all know my topic is about GMOs and I want to persuade people to stop consuming GMOs for all of us. When I was writing about this, I had a really big trouble about avoiding full of summary in my writing. I am still facing that problem because I still think there must be a lot of information to persuade readers. I know what my English course professor expects. However it is really hard to put my own opinion in the writing. Apart from it, everything is going great.

     I always want to be healthy. This is how I have been able to successfully accomplish despite big struggles I faced. I really want to be healthy and live long. Thus I have so much interest in foods because food is directly related to our health. When I first heard that I was able to choose the topic by myself, I didn't even hesitate one second to choose GMOs. If I were in Korea, I wouldn't care much about this issue since Korean government has banned the production of GMOs. However I am in the U.S at the moment and I have been consuming a lot of GM foods. Since it was directly related to my health, I was inspired to research and write my essay. It was really exciting and I am quite proud of myself for getting so much knowledge about GMOs. I still have to improve my essay in many parts but I will try really hard till the due date and I will get the best outcome!! 

     Lastly, this was my last post for this English class. When I heard about this blog assignment in the beginning of semester I thought that I would miss all the comments on other's post  and posts on my blog since I am quite lazy. I am really proud that I haven't missed any of it. It was really fun to make my very first own blog. I was always the reader. But as I made this blog I became a writer which excited me a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed my blog! Thank you!  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Strangest Food In The World

     Today, I am going to post about the strangest food I have found online. When I first saw them I was freaked out. They look really weird and a little bit disgusting. Let me show you guys the photos and give a brief explanation about the foods. 
What did you guys think it is when you guys saw the photo?? I thought it looks like an eye. Yes! That's right. This is a tuna eyeball. This can be found in most Japanese grocery store for about 1 USD. I heard it tastes like squid and it must be boiled before eating(I don't know the reason. But it will be impossible to eat it raw. ) 

     The second weird food I want to introduce is stinkbug. I have never seen anyone eating insects. In addition, I am pretty sure a majority of us will be so scared of insects when they see it. However in Indonesia they love eating stinkbugs. They taste like bitter sunflower seed without the salt. I know there is a cultural difference and I understand it is not disgusting to eat those bugs however I would never be able to eat it.. really..

 The next food is Sannakji. I am familiar with this food because a lot of Koreans love to eat this food. However I am pretty sure you guys would be unfamiliar with it. You guys can think it as a raw octopus. We don't cook it at all and just eat it raw with a soy sauce. They still move on the the plate as you reach for your chopstick. This is an interesting but sad story about this food. There are a lot of Koreans who eat the whole raw octopus without slicing it. However it is really risky. There was a guy who ate the whole octopus and it was moving in his body and blocked the lung. He wasn't able to breathe and he was suffocated by Sannakji inside his body. So please be sure to slice it into small pieces before you eat.  

     The last food I want to introduce today is a Philippines food called Balut. Balut is a developing duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell. I heard that they boil the eggs which is about to hatch. This was most freaking food I have ever seen. However I heard that it is really a healthy food including so much nutrition. However, I will never try this food in my life. I promise.(Look at the photo... How poor.)

    Today's post was about the strangest food in the world. The world is really broad. Thus there are a lot of things which we have never seen in life and never expected like those foods. I heard most of them are really healthy food. However I wonder how many of us would be able to eat without nausea. I hope you guys enjoyed the post!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mystery of GMOs 2

      Today I am going to introduce some scholarly sources which will support my position on GMOs. Thus it might share similar topics as last week however I will use different types of sources to support my position. 

     The first scholarly source I will be using is Restriction on Genetically Modified Organisms by the Global Legal Research Center. When I first read this source I was really AMAZED!! It provided me position of 23 different countries toward GMOs. As I mentioned before I think that there is a conspiracy behind  GMOs between corporation and government. In the introduction of that scholarly source, it mentions how much benefit Argentina earned due to the production of GMOs. The amount was more than I expected. It was around 72.6 billion dollars. As we all know that the U.S is the biggest GMOs producer. If we consider the position of the U.S in GMO production their benefit will definitely exceed Argentina. This also would support my position why the White House forced the FDA to announce the safety of GMOs(You can read last week's post if you are curious about this topic). Apart from Argentina, this source provides a lot of situation regarding GMOs so I will be able to use worldwide issue on GMOs with a lot of cases of 23 other countries.  

     The second scholarly source I will be using is about cigarette company. I still couldn't find proper scholarly source however I found a good article named Conspiracy of Cigarette Company this article is in Korean, I will try to find a good scholarly source in English and edit. What I am going to do with this is I will be comparing the case of cigarette company and GMOs company. When cigarettes were first introduced the cigarette company concealed the risk of cigarette to increase their cigarette sale. I think GMO companies are using the same tactic for benefit. Thus I will be using this source how cigarette companies planned and acted on plan and how it is similar to GMOs company.

    By researching a lot on this topic I felt this, human's greed is infinite and they repeat the same mistake because of that greed. Wouldn't we be able to live in a peaceful place where everyone can care for each other? 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mystery of GMOs


 Today I am going to write about dark aspect of GMOs. Didn't you ever think that it is so ridiculous why the U.S government doesn't regulate the use of GMOs even if it is so controversial. This will take some part of my essay and I will use the article "Spilling the Beans: Unintended GMO Health Risks" by Jeffrey Smith. 

According to Jeffrey, the White House ordered FDA to announce the safety of GMOs to promote it. Why would the White House forced FDA? It will be impossible for me to find the truth. However I can guess the fact. I know that by the production of GMOs big companies get benefit and I am sure that it is related to this problem. To make readers understand more, I am going to write how much the big companies are earning by the production of GMOs in my essay.
     The second part that I am interested is GMO's toxicity on non-targeted organisms such as bees and butterflies. According to the article "Environmental Impact of GMOs" by Emily Glass, for the production of GMOs chemical pesticides and herbicides are used. GMOs are fine with that pesticide however bees and butterflies are contaminated with toxicity from pesticide. In my opinion, this is really fatal. Bees and butterflies play a big role in delivering the seeds of plant. However if bees and butterflies are under the risk of toxicity the whole environment will be destroyed.

     In my opinion, the use of GMOs should be stopped. Big companies related to the production of GMOs will be having temporal benefit and maybe some government officers too. However we have to see further. What would be the use of money after everything has been destroyed and get diseased. The money will be useless. If we try to recover the environment and people after all of us got sick, who would cure us? There will be nobody who would work to recover this world because everyone would have been already dead just like the movie I Am Legend. When we think it is late it would have been already too late.  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Food Stereotypes And Health Condition

      I have been interested in food stereotypes. This is because I believe that food stereotype is directly related to people's health condition. In addition, I saw a lot of my family members who had suffered from diseases caused by wrong diet. This is the reason why I am going to write about food stereotype for my final English writing.

     I think there are many factors which cause food stereotypes such as gender, race, etc. The main purpose of this writing is I want to analyze diet from different races and how it affects their family's health condition. For example, European and Asian do have different diet for their meal. However, men have less life span than women regardless of their race. This will be because even if they have different types of meal  they might be sharing similar food ingredients. I guess one of the reason would be gender. Regardless of their race, men might prefer meat type food and women might prefer vegetables type and this would be one of the factors causing health condition. In addition, depending on the main cook for the family it would also affect other family member's health condition. Because the diet for a family would change by the main cook. Thus for this writing, I am going to research on different gender food from many countries(I am planning to divide it to European, Asian, and American) and what types of ingredients the food include and how the ingredients affect our health. 

    I am going to post a website which would give more idea about this topic. This is a quote from that website, "If I suggest making a dinner of spaghetti squash tossed with veggies, I get looked at like I’m a crazy person. Dinner includes meat. Always. My husband is a true “guy’s guy” when it comes to food and it’s made me realize that the stereotypes I see in the media are pretty darn accurate in real life. This shows us the food and gender stereotype. And this finally would affect health condition. Try this website for more information.       

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Old Saying, "Kitchen Is Only For Women"


     Today I want to talk about gender binary in the kitchen. Who cooks for you when you are hungry? your mother? your father? I guess the answer would be by yourself. The world has changed. There used to be a gender binary because the men had to go out to work so women were always in charge of cooking. However what about now? As the world entered 21st century, the society also wants women to come out of their kitchen and work just like men. 

     According to an article Why still 26% of US Women Still Choose Not To Work  by Annalyn Kurtz, in 1950, only 37% of women ages 25-54 participated in the labor force. The number rose rapidly, climbing to 74% by 1990. Even if 26% still doesn't work however it is a great improvement compare to 1950s. This shows that now a lot of women have a job like men. For example, that statistic could be explained with my case. My grandmother was born in 1941. When I went to my grandmother's house she hated when my father was in the kitchen. She made my mother and aunt to do all the cooking stuffs. However, my mother is different from her. She always give me and my sister the same amount of works in the kitchen. The world has changed and so did the culture. People who talk about gender inequality in kitchen is still thinking that it is still 1950s. We can see a lot of cases in our daily life. We see a boyfriend cooking for his girlfriend and we also see how our mothers and fathers cook together and how happy they look. It is not 2014 and now it is different from 1950s.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

When You Think It Is Late, It Is Too Late.

Killing our children with antibiotic.

       We have been addicted to antibiotic. In most of food we eat, antibiotic is used for treatment of infections and to promotes the growth of livestock. It also helps to intensify animal farming. However, it seems like as it intensifies animal farming more and more it kills our children worse and worse.    

       "Children who were born in 2000 might be the first generation to have the shorter lifespan than their parents" This is a part of Ann Cooper's speech. A lot of countries such as Denmark, Germany, New Zealand and South Korea have banned the use of antibiotics because it's negative aspects outweigh the positive aspects. However, a group of people who try to take advantages and benefits from this issue is always a problem. The president of the National Pork Producer claims that the risk of antibiotics in human is very low and there are no scientific that proves it.  

        In my entire life, I have seen a lot of food issues like that. However, there are always two groups which are against and for the issue. It is natural to have two groups. However, it must be stopped if the issue is about our health. It is not the matter of whether we have scientific results that prove it. According to Minnesota Health Department, using antibiotic might increase resistance in foodborne bacteria which can then infect humans. In addition Ann Cooper also claimed that children will be infected by colon bacterium because of antibiotics and this disease will be incurable once we get it. Those two research might not be 100% scientifically proved. But if we have at least 0.1% of getting it we should stop it. There are a lot of incurable diseases in the world. Nothing will be changed even if we regret it later. It will be too late when we think it is late. We should prevent it. 

This is Ann Cooper's video and she also provides about school lunch problems we are facing.